Monday, May 4, 2020


Jacob always finds little projects to work on, lockdown or not. These pictures were from a rainy day a few weeks back. Presently he is learning about and building traps. He just demonstrated to me how he could either squash or capture a rabbit (depending on the need). I remember the days when all my kids worked for hours on projects like traps for rabbits and bad guys.

Jacob is one to tinker in the garage nearly every day. He often starts while still in his pajamas–carving, grinding, drilling, banging. He's always dreaming up new ideas and plans, and this lockdown situation has afforded him more time for his projects. If I can, I let him do his history or literature studies on audio, allowing him the freedom to tinker (or to wander). He's currently listening to a +30 hour biography on Andrew Carnegie. Homeschool isn't forever, but for now this sort of freedom is one thing I've been thankful for.

Here he is shaping a scrap of metal into knife blade. He has also been working with wood and leather. Oh yes, and fire.

For those who are kind enough to be concerned about my kids' safety, he was adequately geared up. We try to find a balance between safety and independence around here.

Safety and Independence...

I've tried to keep my opinions to myself about our current quarantine situation. Who really needs my two cents? I think there's far too much opinion floating around, and assumptions posing as conclusions. Everyone seems to be interpreting "data" and "science" based on their personal agenda or desires. Many go looking for reason to be more fearful of potential threat, with their suspicions clouding rationality.

Some want safety (health, predictability, provision, etc.) while others want independence (mobility, choice, free market, etc.). It seems to me that safety and independence seem to be the great dividers, while the great unifier is fear

People will always fear losing what is deemed most important, and if we're not careful fear will become the motivator and controller of thoughts and actions. It's important to discern what it is we fear, and why. It's important to question where our security lies. It's important to evaluate where and on what/who we place our confidence and hope. We should seek to understand the root of our fear, and be open to discovering some hidden idols. Be OK with the discomfort of honest heart evaluation.

An observation I've made over the last couple months: Fear, greed, pride, and discontentment have been contagions far more dangerous than any virus. These contagions cause us to prize our opinions, ideologies, and idols over living for God and loving others. We should never expect to find security and joy here.

Someday, not so very long from now, we will stand before our Maker. How will our words and actions regarding this current situations stand? Will fear of losing our temporal worldly comforts and privileges justify a single word or action? Are we adorning or reviling God's Word and the gospel we claim?

Listen, we are not entitled to anything regarding safety and independence in this life. We have security and freedom in Christ alone. 

Yes, we are privileged to have a particular process in which we can participate with the governance of our affairs, but this is not something God has given to us as a right. We are not entitled to have our way, but if we engage in political endeavors we must do so in honorable ways. Our preferences are not the mission of our lives as believers; don't get too sidetracked in this short life. It is grievous and embarrassing to see Christians stir up fear through gossip and slander of God-appointed leaders in the name of democracy. Likewise, a lack of trust in God's goodness and protective care demonstrates a puny view of God. The world is watching, friends. We are responsible for our behavior. 

I may not know much, but this I know to be of greater importance in our present state:

Fear God alone.
Love one another.
Pray for your leaders.
Submit to authority.
Be thankful.

It is all so very clear that these must be our primary focus. Be attentive and wise by leaning in to your Heavenly Father, and know that blessing always follows obedience. 

Be careful what you tinker with.

I wasn't intending on dispensing opinion. I've never really wanted to use this place as a platform for broadcasting my position, or for being preachy. I guess I just want more for each of us: peace that endures, trust in the unfailing goodness of God, and hope for an eternal future already made secure. May that consume our attention and open our lips in praise, no matter what threatens our safety or independence. God's purposes override viruses and governing authorities.


1 comment:

  1. Well said Katherine- even without a horrid virus looming out there it is hard to just trust God and not be fearful for our children. This is a time to embrace the challenges and changes God has placed in our lives. It is also a time to recognize some of these changes are ones we would never have discovered except God placed us in a time of being set apart. Good to know Jacob is tinkering in his pajamas, good to see kids can be comfortable with change- life is full of change- so lets not fight it! Write on Katherine!


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