Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Olivia Graduates

It was well before Olivia's second birthday when I decided to start singing the alphabet to her. I'd sing in the kitchen of our Van Nuys apartment as I made lunch and lifted her over my pregnant belly into the high chair. I'd sing first in French, then in English, then French again. Soon afterwards, I bought puzzles of wooden numbers and letters. She loved the green number 7 best; I can still hear her say, "C'est sept! Seven!" with a pronounced lisp and a little jump. 

Then when Baby Michael napped in the morning and I settled on the floor to play with her (now in a Stevenson Ranch condo above a row of garages), we'd color and put together puzzles. When we reassembled the alphabet pieces, I'd casually make the letter sounds. Soon enough, I showed her how one sound followed the next. Then one day on the I-5 in the Santa Clarita Valley we passed by a truck and from her car seat we heard, "Fff-EeeD... E-X... Fed Ex! It says Fed Ex!" And there was no stopping her from there. At age of two, she was reading words; shortly after her third birthday she was reading sentences. Learning blends, digraphs, diphthongs, units (and any other combos of letters I don't know the names of) came by watching me read aloud and pointing as I went. I never had to teach her, but just casually provide opportunity for her to soak in new things.

That's how it has always been. I just gave her the resources (plus hundreds of library books) and provided guidance as needed. She did one year of public school, 8 years of homeschool, then charter school from 9th grade on. In 3 1/2 years she completed high school and one year of college.

Although she finished her high school requirements in December, Olivia graduated with her class on Saturday with a 4.23 GPA. She gave the valedictorian address. 

[above] Olivia, bottom left
[below] Dutiful seat and flower holders

Zoom lens capture...

She spoke sweet, grateful words with poise and candor, acknowledging that for every bit of success she has had the help and guidance of many. I must say the part of her speech that began, "Thank you, Mom and Dad..." was my favorite! ;) There are few things in life that surpass recognition and gratitude from your child.

They all earned this gratifying moment!

Yep, we are super proud parents! And we will be super proud with each of our kids!

We held a small reception for Olivia the evening before. These are the occasions we long to be surrounded by family, but we have a small circle of friends that have loved us like family and proven a friendship that transcends mere shared interests. Some have loved our family as a whole, and some have personally invested in Olivia. They are spiritual family, tried and tested friends. Between hors d'oeuvres, conversations, pool splashes, and ice cream sundaes, we gathered around and gave thanks to God, asking for his blessing and spiritual protection as she faces the next chapter of her life. 

"Strength and dignity are her clothing, 
And she smiles at the future."

May this be said of her all of her days because her confidence is in the Lord above all else!


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