Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Just the Good Stuff

Fall is here with its 80+ degree weather. Cool mornings give way to hot afternoons, and wardrobe decisions nearly always turn out to be wrong decisions at some point in the day. Fall is here, guys, and I've hardly had a moment to take it in. It didn't help that the checkout lady at Wal-Mart wished me Merry Christmas a few days ago!

September came and went, just like that. I was glad to see it go, but regret not seeing more of the good stuff. The good stuff of life is always there if we look. Although it's been a heavy season for us in many ways, I trust that the best stuff (character forming/eternally significant fruit) will eventually emerge for us to see as well.

This season has been hectic/difficult. I don't wear busyness as a badge of honor (as if being busy implies importance or productivity); busyness is just my reality, and it seems near impossible most of the time. I'm not sure how I got the impression that the little years with kids were the busy years. Maybe this is not the case for all moms, but let me just say that in my experience the little years and the bigger/teen years don't even compare. 

Jon just bought me a little time, though, which is why I have a few moments to sit and write. This purchase of time came in the form of a third car for the family. This is giving me back hours of time each week. Hours and hours of time were spent going back and forth from various schools, picking up from one school and taking to another, waiting in the car during music lessons, practises, rehearsals, meetings, etc. Olivia is living the life of a young adult and the boys have school and sport commitments. I certainly do not want to put her in the position of becoming the boys' chauffeur, but at least she can transport herself and drop off or pickup a brother as she passes through. Another car may seem an extravagant decision to some, but for us it allows for more productivity (especially for me), independence, and opportunity (especially for Olivia). I'm thankful. 

I sat down here today to remember just the good stuff. So here goes...

We celebrated Jacob's 11th birthday early last month. Eleven. One-one. My baby!

I haven't been able to sort through his party pictures yet, and ideally I would like to take him out one-on-one (pun intended) for a few shots, but here's for starters~

Okay, so Olivia getting her license has been a big deal! She's been taking the truck to school this week. She is still feeling timid, but I know the sense of freedom will kick in soon!

(We laughed at their unintentional matching shirts.)

Then there was homecoming for Olivia and Michael. Since our charter school campus is an off-shoot of a larger campus further away, and because homecoming had been held at that other, larger campus, Olivia hasn't attended in the past. This year, however, our campus has grown large enough to host their own homecoming dance, and I liked the idea that Olivia and Michael would both be there together.

But I'm not American. I didn't spend my teens here, and this American 'homecoming' thing is not familiar to me. I had to figure out what it was and what goes on. Not only that, but I was never allowed to attend my school dances, and my school was too small and obscure to have any sport teams whatsoever. This really was new territory for me and I was super excited for them! It was fun taking them over to their school and hearing all the kids calling their names and oohing as they arrived, and I'm thankful for the few pics I have with friends.

Spending time with Olivia as she got ready Saturday afternoon was special.

She used my makeup, jewelry, and heels.

Here's the best part of the story... Michael and his best bud found out that anyone nominated for Prince (or Princess) received a discounted ticket, so they both nominated each other to save 10 bucks. Voting started during the week and, to Michael's horror/surprise/secret enjoyment, it was becoming clear who was taking the lead. Somewhere near 9 pm last Saturday night, Olivia texted me some video of Michael receiving the title Freshman Prince. It is a classic 14-year-old awkward moment of part mortification, part bliss! It's going down as an awesome memory/story.

Michael was being a bit of a clown (which wasn't conducive to pictures), so this one with me (looking tired and all) is the best I have. He may not have wanted a ton of pictures, but I have some rad video, thanks to Olivia!

Jon and I spent a bit of time in LA last week. We were invited to take part in a panel discussion at GCC, but we had a bit of time to kill in downtown late in the afternoon. Jon loves the city, and I love how much he loves certain things. Not many people are passionate about their loves, but he is and I love that about him. Someday I will have more time and freedom to just go. Wherever. Just go with him wherever he likes. We are looking forward to that time. Later we found a place in Beverly Hills and split a burger for a 10pm dinner before making the drive home. I guess it was sort of an unexpected date night.

I'm taking part in another panel discussion later this month, and I have to say I still feel like these sorts of things (speaking/teaching) are super way far outside of my comfort zone. It's not like we have to say yes to every thing that comes our way, but I think it's important to do hard things, to accept challenges and opportunities, and to push ourselves to move the boundaries of comfort by practicing and developing new skills. I still find it incredible that I am a pastor's wife. Ironic may be a better word.

I have mentioned Andrew's little business here before, so perhaps I can indulge in a little bragging? Well this 12 year old kid of mine is rocking as an entrepreneur! His garbage bin business has earned him a reputation; as a result he works weekly as a mother's helper (cute, eh?), Saturday morning gardening with neighbors, and odd jobs like crushing boxes and setting up yard sales. He told me the other day that he calculated an average of $25-30/hr. income. Taking people's garbage bins in and out each week has proven to be a success, and it all started with $1.50/week.

Finally, I've been running a ton in preparation for a race. This is a good/ hard thing for me to set my mind to in the midst of other good/hard things of life. It may not be the season when I really have the time and energy to run 25-30 miles a week, but I do it anyway. Night runs are still my favorite time to go (I choose my routes carefully), not to mention the only available time to go. I'm super thankful that my feet and shins are holding up well this training season (maybe due to icing, different shoes, and all the core training I did this summer). The challenge for me will be to keep running after my race, especially as we move into the holidays. Anyway, just saying. I'm super thankful for the physical ability to be active and to reap the many benefits.

Well, another day is closing. My big kids probably have another couple hours of homework to do, but the middle of the week has now past and we're in the home stretch. That's another good thing!

Each and every day I find myself at a cross in the road. It's more accurate to say I come up on intersections and forks in the road nearly moment by moment. Will I choose to go this way or that way? Will I take the easy way or the narrow way? Will I respond in anger or kindness, despair or hope, fear or confidence, impatience or forbearance, jealousy or admiration, bitterness or forgiveness, discontentment or thankfulness? Will I set my mind on the passing things of earth, or will I fix my eyes on Christ?

I fail a lot.

And when I don't fail, when I choose that which is not natural and easy, when I respond in accordance to the grace God has given instead of react in accordance to my nature, even that success is a gift of God. I live in light of God's grace, and I will reach the end of this journey by his grace as well.

Good night!



  1. Happy Homecoming moments! Sometimes it's hard to believe that the kids are that age for that...already, but it becomes them. :-)
    As for your thoughts on nailed it, and I needed it. Thank you for sharing here. I know there are times when you wonder if you should, and probably feel a bit uncomfortable and vulnerable, but I am thankful that you choose that fork in the road (to share). You are a true Titus 2 woman.

    1. I'm thankful for the encouragement (from a friend I've never met)! Needed it...


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