Saturday, December 24, 2016

Merry Christmas

Another year draws to a close and we marvel at the undeserved goodness of God in our lives. We are confident that He does all things with divine purpose and care, for our good and His glory. He has never faltered in His faithfulness and love towards us, and we praise Him for it!

As we think of a babe in a manger this Christmas, may we rightly recognize the complete love and utter humility of Christ in coming to die for our salvation. May the salvation He brings be the reason to be merry!

Aside from my salvation, my greatest earthly blessing is my family. This precious family began with Jon and me before the arrival of our children. God began to knit us together long before adulthood, long before I had any clue what constituted a good life partner. Although I can't imagine life without Jon, I especially cannot imagine it without the sanctifying power of God in us. God has blessed us with each other, and has carried us and strengthened us despite each other. Our marriage is what it is because of God's continued work!

Jon proposed to me on Christmas Eve 1997, in a snow drift on Parliament Hill overlooking the river and the Château Laurier. I have worn his ring for nearly half my life... my heart has been his for much longer. I am amazed that our commitment to each other continues to deepen through the years, amidst all that life can do to tear us apart. All glory be to God!

And then came the kids! More evidences of God kindness and grace!
They are precious to us and cause us to depend on Him all the more!

Jon and I are proud of each one of them. They have each grown and matured this year, and their unique personalities and gifts are thrilling to see unfold and develop. We are thankful for the friendships they have with each other.


Sensitive to the things of the Lord
Patient, kind, hard-working
Intelligent, creative, purposeful
Serves her church, family, and peers
Music writer; Guitar, ukulele, and bass player 
Soon to be behind the wheel!


Loves the ocean, reptiles, nature
Daydreamer, researcher, planner
Comedian, outgoing, jokester
Global-thinker, designer
Growing academically, and very tall
Serves at church with sound (audio setup), clean-up, toddlers


Organized, orderly, systematic
Loves body boarding, football, unicycling
Experimenter, engineer, builder
Dependable, thoughtful, hard-working
Loves his family and friends
Tender-hearted, affectionate, committed


Free-spirited, day-dreamer, independent
Fascinated by succulents, cacti, mushrooms
Creator, experimenter, designer
Loves football, skateboarding, swivel boarding
Sociable, affectionate, tender-hearted
Enjoys time alone to think about the Lord

The location and props for our pictures this year were a last minute decision, but looking at them I can't help but notice a theme. We are traveling this road of life together as a family. It has been a wild journey of learning and maturing, both through comforts and trials. God has sovereignly placed us together for this; it is a blessing to share burdens and cross bridges of life side-by-side.

God will be our guide and our light, and so we look to Him as the author and perfecter of our faith.

May your Christmas be filled with the knowledge of the goodness of God toward mankind. May you know true peace that comes from reconciliation and relationship with God, which is gifted to those who repent and believe on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. May you know deep and abiding joy now and forever!

From our family to yours, we wish you a very merry Christmas! 



  1. Stunning pics! Beautiful family....Merry Christmas from Tonia & Mike (Blake & Megan La Grange's fam.)


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