Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A Mid-Week Moment

It's a quiet moment here, thanks to Jon. He is running errands with Michael while Olivia is at soccer practice. The little boys are listening to an audio book in their room with a little bowls of nuts, dried fruit, and chocolate chips. I had some too. My feet hurt and it feels good to sit down.

The fans are all whirling at full speed. It's been uncomfortably hot this week, with humidity and still air making it all the worse. Jon slept on top of the blankets last night, and I slept with one leg in and one leg out. This morning I have mosquito bites on one leg on one foot, thanks to open windows with no screens. It doesn't feel like fall is anywhere near coming but I'm looking forward to mornings in my jeans, hands cradling a cup of coffee. A good, loud thunderstorm would be nice too.

School is whooping me this week. I'm not into it at all, and the days have been long and grueling. It seems that every day is hard in some way, no day sticking out as being a really good one. I think that's just part of the curse, this hardship of pressing on in and through the mundane incessantly. Over and over is the cycle of doing and doing again, working only to repeat, dealing with sin and replaying it yet again. I am weary today.

But it's OK. God tells us to draw near to Him and He will draw near to us. My heart stills and I remember Him and His promises of comfort and help. I am not defeated and I continue to lean on Him regardless of the difficulty. Sometimes I forget and act on my own, but my heart returns and I find hope in Him once again.

Jon and I get to go out later tonight. Date nights can be such a refreshment, and this one comes at the perfect time. I'm not sure what we'll do or where we'll go-- typically Jon has some ideas up his sleeve-- but I am certain it will be wonderful. I am thankful for this husband of mine and more in love with him as the years go by.

The little boys have moved to the backyard. I think they are playing with the bow and arrows Andrew made. I feel the first breeze of the day wafting in, and it's now time to start dinner for the kids and getting my undone self ready to go out. These quiet moments, no matter how brief, always do me such good.

A song for the day: Lord, I Need You.



  1. Sometimes being a mother, homeschooler, home keeper is so very demanding. I can only imagine the added pressures as a pastor's wife. BUT GOD...
    So thankful that He is never weary and able to carry us through. So thankful for the refreshment found in His Word.
    I hope your sweet date with your husband was "just what you needed". :-)

    1. Ah, yes-- BUT GOD! Thank you for the reminder even now.

      Jon and I did have a great time, thank you!


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