Friday, June 14, 2013

Truer than True

The last few years have brought many changes. Really, I think that's just the course of life: People change, situations transform, relationships are redefined, goals are made anew, burdens lifted and new ones given. What is true of a relationship or circumstance today may not be the same reality tomorrow. The truth of my life today is ever-shifting, always changing, unpredictable.

I have found myself uneasy with this constant flux; people/relationships and situations changing before I can become accustomed to the old.

But such is life.

And of course change is good and should keep us alert and vigilant; change doesn't necessarily imply something negative. It's just that the reality of today, what is true in my life today, will change whether I want it to or not.

There is one change I desperately want: It is to be changed into the likeness of Christ, to grow in holiness and devotion to God.

To be like Him, to find my every need met in Him, will give me the stability I need to face all the unexpected. And though life seems unstable at times, and I move forward unsure, God is never changing. What was true about Him yesterday will continue to be true for eternity.

This is the one truth I need to keep my focus on.

What I desire in the midst of my days, when I wake and when I lie down at night, is relationship with the One in whose hands my life is kept secure. What a thought! To think that the God of the universe, the One who is holy and who has time and eternity in His hands, the one who is perfect and cannot change offers me friendship, comfort, and strength!

When everything around me is shifting I want my relationship with Christ to be a constant truth, a reality that is truer than the changing truth of today. I want communion with God, an ongoing relationship with Jesus. I want to be filled by His Spirit. I want to live life stable and confident in Him, obedient and surrendered to Him alone.

True communion with God is induced by the Holy Spirit; it comes from and is maintained by regular and intimate prayer, by meditation in His Word, by confession and keeping a clean conscience, and by asking God for His fullness. 

John MacArthur says that to be filled with the Spirit is "a command for believers to live continually under the influence of the Spirit by letting the Word control us, pursuing pure lives, confessing all known sins, dying to self, surrendered to God's will, and depending in His power in all things. Being filled with the Spirit is living in the conscious presence of the Lord Jesus Christ, letting His mind through the Word dominate everything that is thought and done."

I want it: Living in the conscious presence of the Lord Jesus Christ!

How different my days would be if this was the truth of every moment! But as I strive for this, as I beg for the Lord to indwell me and to become increasingly real to me, I am comforted in His promises to meet my every need and to change me, little my little, into His likeness. 

“The most miserable person on earth is the man or woman who does not know how to turn to God—or how to draw from God all that the soul needs to live. They are easily disturbed, easily driven to fear and anxiety, easily driven to self-pity and dissatisfaction.

Why are these people so easily troubled? It is because they cannot control circumstances or get life to turn out exactly the way they want it to. Also, because they cannot have exactly what they want.”

Thomas ‘a Kempis
Come, Lord Jesus
Edited by David Hazard, p. 67

God promises that if I draw near to Him, He will draw near to me (James 4:8). This is my passion and prayer today. More than anything, I want His nearness...


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