Sunday, July 1, 2012

If I believed in luck...

...I'd say I've had a string of unlucky days.

My back issues are flaring up with a vengeance, making up for the relative lack of pain over the last several months. I knew I was in for it when I stood up at the end of a double session at the conference last Monday, though at the time all I felt was an odd stiff sensation. Tuesday morning, the onset of inflammation and muscles spasms foretold painful days ahead. The drive home didn't help, as it seems sitting for extended periods of time tends to bring on or exacerbate pain. And from that point it has all been a downward spiral.

The one thing I learned from the physical therapist I ended up with a year and a half ago was that I absolutely need to keep moving during these episodes. Movement helps to relax muscles, and keeps the supporting structures from weakening along with the injured area. So by the end of the day yesterday, after a long day of house and yard work, errands, and the like, I was ready to get out into the coolness of the night to get some exercise.

Aside from my back, though, was the problem of my little toe: It's an interesting shade of purple and blue from being smashed into the door jamb. Yes, and now it matches the purple-black color of my toenail on the other foot, thanks to a lawn chair that fell out of the trunk. Poor, poor feet. At least there's polish to conceal the black nail. Anyway, earlier in the day I couldn't even wear a pair of soft canvas shoes, so I knew running shoes might not be agreeable to me either. But determined, for the sake of my back and mobility in the days and weeks to come, I crammed my sore, bruised and protesting toe into my shoe and went out to give it a try.

I started off walking, but since my back felt fine in an upright position, I decided to run a little. My toe hurt no matter what, but it was manageable. It's not the case that I'm THAT into running, but running has become a special time for me. In the quietness of late evening, when all the day's work is done, and the ocean breeze cools the air, I find rest as I listen to songs that speak truth and lift my heart heavenward. My mind is focused and my prayers are undistracted. The benefits of exercise have become secondary to my time with the Lord as I run. And so in this way I hobbled along for +4 miles. It was nice.

This morning I couldn't get out of bed, even with Jon's help. My muscles tightened like end stage labor contractions... only in my back. Simply breathing during those "contractions" is difficult. Eventually, I found a way to slide out of bed like a worm, so that I didn't have to call the muscles of my lower back into action. Nice, eh? Jon encouraged me to stay home from church, but knowing how disappointed the kids would be I decided to make a hardy effort. (Jon couldn't take them because he heads in to the church before the kids are awake.)

We made it, and it was so good to be there. It was hard/painful to sit through both services, but I never regret going to church when it would be reasonable to stay home. It's so refreshing to be with God's people and to hear His Word preached. Not only that, but one of our visitors was a physical therapist I knew from L.A. and she was gracious enough to give me some tips and suggestions.

I don't believe in luck. I believe in the providence of a loving God. I believe that every detail of my days-- every moment, circumstance, relationship, trial, and blessing-- is ordained by my heavenly Father. If I believed in luck, I suppose I might feel bitter at times. Yes, sometimes it's difficult to receive all things with joy, but He continues to prove Himself faithful and trustworthy in all things. I know that even through suffering and disappointment He is bringing forth His good and perfect purposes in my life, and so I am free to be thankful and to find joy.

My kids come to my aid when I need them, such sweeties that they are. Michael helped me with dinner and was happy to wear my onion goggles. Such a great idea. I suppose you could wear regular swimming goggles, but there's no way they'd be as cool as these!

We had chicken fajitas, but around here they are more appropriately called vegetable fajitas with a little chicken: Two small chicken breasts served the six of us for dinner, then four portions for lunch today. I love the colors of summer vegetables.

Happy Canada Day... I hope the fireworks were grand!



  1. Happy (belated) Canada Day!! We love celebrating it at our house even though we're living in the States.

    Thank you for writing about the Biblical truth of God's sovereignty when the rest of the world believes in "luck". It really ministered to my heart. Thank you. :)

  2. Katherine, I believe God gives us struggles that we might proclaim Him and His faithfulness through them. Thank you for doing so. I admire you and always soak in what you say. And, your veggie fajitas are a beautiful display of God's goodness, too! xoxo

  3. So encouraging to read once again. Thank you for sharing from your heart and ministering to mine! <3

  4. So sorry to hear that your back is causing you pain again.It has to be hard to exercise when you are in pain.Thankfully,the children are older now and can be of some help.
    I had Laura and family here for Canada Day.Tim and Sam went down to the hill for the fireworks and Sam loved it.I had a gang on Saturday evening with 8 children under 6.A great time was had but as always,I missed my California grands.I so wish it was easier for the family to get together.
    I hope the family is enjoying the first summer in S.D.
    Hope you are feeling better soon Katherine.


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