Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Zion Day 2

It appears that early morning drives up the coast with a carload of surfboards, food, and boys will be my ticket to sorting and editing pictures this summer. I get to sit in the car with my books and journals, and with my computer and images, until it warms up and the sun comes through the marine layer. I'm not complaining one little bit about this arrangement.

On the other hand, Blogger has recently changed things up again and this has been a little frustrating. I don't have the time or the interest to figure out coding and html stuff. I can no longer apply my usual workflow and I'm going cross-eyed trying to tweak default image settings. I've figured a few things out, but pictures remain wonky on mobile devices. Had I ever imagined I'd be blogging for as long as I have, I might have chosen a different platform!

But for what ever reason, I'm still persisting in this hobby despite all the impetus to stop.

Zion, Day 2
June 2020

I mentioned previously that Covid-19 closures and limitations challenged our strategic planning skills. With the shuttle buses closed and extremely limited parking in the canyons, few cars make it in each day. So we got up shortly after 3 a.m. (felt an hour earlier because of a time zone change) and lined up for park admittance just before 4 a.m. We couldn't believe how many people had beat us there! The park opened at 6 a.m., and I later discovered it maxed out by 6:08. Needless to say, we were among those who got in.

Do what you gotta do in life!  

I've hiked under the stars before, but never in morning twilight. It was absolutely dreamy!

The immensity of the rocks, the depth of the canyons, and the beauty all around were too much for me to capture. The scenery is arresting. It was utterly impossible to look at such splendor and not ascribe majesty and glory to God. For me, natural beauty wells up adoration for the Creator, and such personal peace knowing this creator is my God and Father.

The climb was wonderful. We stopped to explore the crevices some, but we kept our pace knowing that more people would be joining us as the morning progressed. We reached our destination at the exact time the sun crested the mountain across the canyon from us.

Andrew was sitting on the edge of 1070 straight drop. Talk about "arresting" for a mom's heart! I could hardly take the picture!

Yeah, I know I went skydiving this year, but this was freaky! I was so nervous-- 
Andrew was making fun of me here!

One of the most perfect days I can think of...

We kept on passed the main destination because that's how we like to do things... Go further, see what lies beyond, lose the crowds.

Best hiking partner right here!

I love switchbacks! The more, the better! I wondered if they ever host races here...
Sign me up!

My love of the outdoors has often been misunderstood; it has even been implied with sarcasm that I'm a "nature worshiper." Whatever. I'm in good company among the rocks, waters, plants, and creatures-- It always seems to me that we worship the Lord together. 

"Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it. Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them; let all the trees of the forest sing for joy." Ps. 96:11-12

“Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.” Rev. 4:11

"For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse." 
Rom. 1:20


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