Monday, November 26, 2018

Alien Thanksgiving No More

So this happened. No more Alien Number, no more non-citizen status, no more interviews and border interrogations, no more visas, no more renewing papers, no more wondering what to do if denied.

Jon and I have been granted citizenship.

We celebrated "American Thanksgiving" as actual Americans this year. In typical fashion, we filled our home with brothers and sisters in Christ and created a festive environment, all the while missing the feeling and familiarity of holidays with family. Some fine day I'd sure love for my kids to enjoy a Canadian Thanksgiving with extended family. I am sure, though, that the tradition of celebrating with all sorts of people will become precious to them in years to come.

All six of us have dual citizenship now. Our immigration years with all the hidden ways we have been affected are actually priceless to me. Our status, our limitations, our increased worldview and collection of experiences, our fight to establish ourselves and to create a sense of belonging despite the many ways we didn't belong... these have all added to the fabric of our story.

Being a first generation immigrant is yet another way I am different, and I do like different! But I also really love to belong.

Now I do belong and for this I give thanks.



  1. This is awesome, a great photo and message. Thanks so much Katherine!!! We miss you all here at Grace!


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