Monday, April 3, 2017

Smiling for Sweet Stuff

Just like that, a new mile marker they call Sweet Sixteen comes. I've got lots of thought on this place of life for her and for me. For now, all I can say is I have been savoring the sweetness of it all. It's such a wonderful time.

We had fun times of celebration last week, and I'm hoping to post a few pictures and journal a bit soon. We have yet to take some time out for some birthday pictures, but hoping to in the coming days or weeks. This one above was just a spontaneous time among flowers this morning, just jumping for the joy of life.

At one point today, I thought of something Dr. Seuss taught me:

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."

Yes. We would do well to think on this as moms, and to be prepared for the inevitable time when our active parenting days wrap up. I'm thankful this is a gradual change, but the preparation of our hearts must start early.

Joy. In its truest form, it is a fruit of the Spirit. And it's a choice. I'm choosing not to lament the quickly passing of her childhood years. No wait, she's already a young woman now. Yes. Young woman. And it stings just a little to type it out, but I choose to smile at what has been, smile at where we are, and smile at where we are going. It is good, all of it good.

As my children grow, I refuse to be emotional baggage to them. They are not here for me, but to become their own, ready to live and serve in their own unique way. So I've got to let them go, even give them the grace and encouragement to keep testing out their wings till one day they just fly. Not stifled, but free.

And, I believe, in that freedom there will be mutual love and respect. This makes me smile.


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