Sunday, September 4, 2016

Beach Pictures

Many hours were spent at the beach during the month of August. Sometimes we'd head out for the day, other times it was a quick jaunt into the waves and setting sun after a day of work.

Most times, as I pulled into the garage all tired and sandy, the boys would ask if we could please go again tomorrow. 

I tried extra hard this summer to spend as much quality time as possible with my kids, whether that was in conversation or simply by entering their world and experiencing their pleasures. This was definitely the case at the beach. If I wasn't in the water with them, I was shooting pictures of them, praying for them, talking with one or two, and admiring the various collections of rocks and shells. This collections of summer pictures was during an end-of-day, spontaneous trip. We travelled light and picked a quiet beach. Olivia and I opted to stay (mostly) dry and to create: She sketched according to what inspired her, while I framed up and captured what spoke to me from my surroundings.

They dream of the ocean as soon as it is out of sight, and run to it as fast as they can...

Details. I love details:

Sun tanned skin
Cool, wet sand 
Tiny wrinkles at the wrist
Wet suit sleeves inattentively rolled
My boy delighting in nature

Ripples like snake skin

Creativity. Proof we are made in the image of God.

Eyelashes, curls, summer skin

For the most part, my zoom lens is no longer adequate to capture my kids at the beach. The tide was out and I ventured as far as I dared (but still managed to get my shorts soaked while keeping the camera dry).

Andrew has enjoyed taking the long board out a few times this summer, but he still prefers to surf his body board. 

Jack... Always with the expression that says, "Did you see me, Mom?"

I love you too, babe! ;)

Growing up and up and up!

Conquering? Or maybe signaling to his brother that they should ride the next wave?

Brothers. These two are almost always together. They are so entirely different in personality, but the closest of friends.

I enjoy framing up the sights from different angles; it helps me to find beauty and to remember my days as they really are. Framing out the distractions in all of life is a practice that benefits me in many ways.

Happy long weekend! After a first week of school, it seems we already need it!!


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