Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I haven't had much time for blogging, which is fine by me because my time is always better spent being with and serving my family. Last week Jon was overseas - thankfully for only a few days - so each of the kids had a turn sleeping over with me. They each looked forward to their turn, and it made me happy to get some individual time. It was funny to see how they are so different even in their sleep. Some like to sleep sideways, others like to mumble, some sleep straight and motionless, and one seemed to prefer my stomach for a pillow. I am trying no to take the pillow part personally.

Jon and I have had such a great time together since he has come back. I've enjoyed his companionship, our late night conversations, reconnecting after several weeks of hard work and mental preoccupation. A few nights ago we talked about all the unlikely ways we compliment each other, and the fact that in the face of change or hardship or misjudgments, we are just fine knowing that there is no else that can truly understand us besides each other. I have confidence in our partnership and I'm so thankful that we are on this journey together. He is my truest friend.

We've also had a great time as a family over the last several days. Every day has brought something special, not necessarily in extravagance, but in the simple enjoyment of being together. Saturday was a work day which ended with some time at the pool, but the kids kept mentioning how happy they were. I don't take for granted that we all like being together, and that simplicity is appreciated. Since we are just about finished up school for the year, I asked my kids if they wanted to do something special. I gave them a few ideas, but they simply asked if we could go to the park and eat peanuts! They make it too easy. I think I can come up with something they will be thrilled about.

Last night we ate around the fire pit, and once again we stayed up way too late. Summer is just so near it's hard to restrain ourselves. I wanted to add a few pictures to this post, but since Photobucket isn't working for me tonight I'll have to catch up some other time. Nonetheless, the evening was so fun. It's such a treat when Jon is unexpectedly free. (Ha! I should say that he makes himself free. Pastors don't exactly have a nine-to-five type job.)

This was the last night for Cubbies, and next week the rest of Awana will end. I'm bummed because it marks the end of a short, yet regular, time for Jon and I to spend together without our kidlets. Most of the time we would take off to run errands together, other times for coffee and dessert. We would always drop the kids off as early as we could, and returned at the very last minute to pick them up. That's what desperate parents have to do when grandparents or aunts and uncles are thousands of miles away! Anyway, I don't have any pictures of the awards night for Jacob because I generally don't prefer to take pictures of such events. I don't know what it is about it, but I'd probably never look at them again. I asked Jacob if he would like me to take some pictures (with my phone) but he said no because they would be dorky pictures. Of course, I do love the fact that they have all memorized a whole bunch of verses this year... and not because they think the awards and pins and badges are super cool.

"Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice,
And be gracious to me and answer me.
When You said, "Seek My face," 
my heart said to You,
"Your face, O Lord, I shall seek."
Do not hide Your face from me,
Do not turn Your servant away in anger;
You have been my help;
Do not abandon me nor forsake me,
O God of my salvation!"

Psalm 27: 7-9


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